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Odisha Govt should follow the old Saying, "Dont put all your Eggs in One Basket" and for all round development Education must be evenly spread across the State. Images of BERHAMPUR BANDH demanding establishment of IIM at Berhampur

Silence is not the answer to the problems facing South Odisha. If we remain silent today we will have no right to complain in the future. Because remaining silent will mean supporting the present development template being followed by the State Govt. Every citizen in India has right to development and the people of South Odisha cannot be denied this right. The questions raised here are certainly from the perspective of Berhampur city which is agitating for the IIM, but we do know that every single individual in South Odisha and Ganjam is equally concerned about the enigmatic silence of the Statate Govt on development issues after garnering their votes. This is not acceptable and we have to shout at the loudest to be heared by a Govt which is completely deaf and bereft of a sense of equity and justice.

Berhampur erupts in protest against the State Government's highly retrograde moves on the establishment of IIM. Students across the district protest against the biased decision even as more aggressive protests have been planned for the coming days.

People not ready to give up yet on the IIM-Berhampur demand. Massive agitations planned in the coming days. BJD loses its credibility in Ganjam as it is accused of stage-managing the whole episode. Handling IIM establishment issue proves lowest point in Naveen Patnaik's career as Chief Minister even as corruption charges flying thick and fast against the State Govt.

People of Ganjam and Berhampur fought for the establishment of IIM-Berhampur against all odds. But they were fighting against a highly biased State Government, arrogant and drunk with power who have displayed scant respect for distributive justice. Not only Berhmapur city; for 90% of Odisha this decision comes as a big letdown. However this cannot be the end of the story and with greater public awareness we can set bigger goals for Berhampur and Ganjam and aspire for our rightful space in a developed India. Not to be disheartened and time to work with greater vigor and enthusiasm for the cause of Berhampur.
This is the right time to expose the State Government which has taken the people of Ganjam and South Odisha for granted.These questions follow from the opinions expressed by the readers in the previous post. As responsible citizens you are free to give opinions outsides the choices indicated on the path forward for Berhampur city, Ganjam and the backward southern odisha.

Ganjam produced a former President of India, Former PM PV Narasimha Rao was MP of Berhampur, Krushna Chandra Gajapati, Sadasiva Tripathy, Binayak Acharya, Biju Patnaik and his Son went on to become Chief Ministers of Odisha. Yet 10 lakh people from Ganjam live in the slums of Surat, Mumbai and Ahmedabad. Not even a screw and bolt factory has not been built in Ganjam and the last major Institution (the Berhampur University) was established in the district almost 50 years ago. For last 5 decades Ganjam is crying for development but Ganjam people are as passive as ever. If they do not wake up now to question their leaders, then better they should prepare to live like slaves. The question is not only about the IIM; it is about self respect. Some people are saying that Berhampur does not have the infra to host an IIM. But then the question is who is responsible for poor infrastructure in Berhampur and Ganjam. So, time has come when people must speak up and oppose the continuous neglect of the State Govt.

The decision on IIM site selection, if true, should serve as a lesson for the people of rest of Odisha (Ganjam in particular) that they are second grade citizens and aliens in their own State who are remembered only once in 5 years during elections as they dont enjoy the rights same as the State capital. See how audacious the corrupt BJD Govt in Odisha has been on the IIM issue? The CM has no time to assuage the people of Berhampur who are on hunger strike demanding the establishment of IIM and the decision is being selectively leaked through the media about the decision to establish yet another central Institute in Bhubaneswar, now the IIM.

Does the CM even know about the IIM-Berhampur agitation? He is silent as ever and the Berhampur MP goes missing every now and then to appear only during elections. With such representatives who denied even the Smart-city tag to Berhampur; people are bound to be frustrated